Research, Development, Application and Dissemination of Appropriate Technologies.

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Conduct research and develop appropriate technologies that address rural development needs in Papua New Guinea.

Our Engineers, Scientific and Technical Officers

Meet Our Engineers and Scientific Officer

Our skilled team, composed of engineers, scientists, technical and community development officers, is dedicated to sharing their knowledge on these transformative technologies with communities not only within Papua New Guinea, but also beyond its borders. Their expertise and commitment ensure that we continue to make strides in enhancing the quality of life and the sustainability of rural communities.

Nosare Maika


Energy Program

Robert Kipong


Appropriate Technology Program

Sona Anegi


Water and Sanitation Program


Sarah Wap


Food and Downstream Processing Program

Why choose us?

Unlike a traditional, profit-driven commercial entity primarily focused on bottom-line results, we operate as a service-oriented organization dedicated to fostering development and growth. Our team comprises qualified and experienced professionals – including engineers, scientists, technical and community development officers – employed by the university's administration to contribute significantly to the ATCDI's development programs.

Where a profit-driven entity tends to prioritize financial gains, we prioritize service. Our focus is on the contributions we can make to society and development, often facilitated through education, research, and community engagement.

Our office facilities are well-organized, offering state-of-the-art workstations and an integrated communication network. This level of organization is purposefully designed to foster synergy, seamless interactions, and collaborations with other departments. Furthermore, it enables us to form partnerships with various development organizations both domestically and abroad, all of which are easily accessible through the internet. This type of connectivity and collaboration is something typically less emphasized in profit-oriented entities.

Moreover, our utilities, such as water and lighting, are funded by the university budget. This is a contrast to a profit-driven entity, where the operational costs would typically be a significant concern affecting decisions and strategy.

In addition, we nurture a supportive culture and adopt a learning organization approach. This ethos encourages knowledge sharing and learning, ensuring the effective application and dissemination of impactful development information and technologies. By contrast, a commercial entity may focus more on competitive advantage, often leading to a more guarded approach to knowledge sharing.


ATCDI Established Programs

At present, the ATCDI focuses on five key program areas: 

Appropriate technology PROGRAM
water and sanitation program
Food and downstream processing program
liklik buk information centre

Individual and Group visits

If you or your group would like to visit the Centre, feel free to drop in during workdays. There is always someone here who can show you around. Our visitors include teachers, school children, villages and volunteers as well as students from the University campus, but we also welcome students from outside the campus. 

 +(675) 473 4776  |  473 4781